In this course we will offer you...

  • We will delve in the final futsal fundamentals.

  • We will finish to explain the defensive line concept and how the first defensive positioning, the number of players in each line and the defensive triangles, we will help you to improve.

  • We will explain you the defensive organization and which are the main elements to understand.

  • We will detail how we have to behaviour facing offensive cuts. Learn the different characteristics that conditions this defensive behaviour.

  • Finally, we will explain the construction of the defence based on our methodology.

Course contents

    1. How to use the course

    2. General overview

    1. Defensive Lines | Part 2

    2. Defensive Lines | Video

    3. Defensive Lines | Exercises

    4. Defensive Lines | Test your knowledge

    1. Defensive organization | Overview

    2. Defensive organization | Test your knowledge

    1. Behaviour facing cuts | Overview

    2. Behaviour facing cuts | Test your knowledge

    1. Construction of the defence: overview

    1. Summary

    2. Defensive Game Concepts P2 | Handbook (Download)

    3. Help us improve the Defensive Game Concepts P2 Course

Acerca de este curso

  • €45,00
  • 14 lessons

Course structure

All our courses come with 12 months of access, from the date if purchase with free updates during that time and course handouts to keep forever.

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